Tuesday, June 8

LEVEL 6 : Summer of the Swans Chapters 12-23

Climax and Resolution
 In novels and stories, the climax is the point of the greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense. It typically comes at the turning point, where readers are eager to find out what will happen next. Most major events in the story lead up to the climax.
However, a story does not stop at the climax. It continues to the
resolution, or final outcome, where readers know or can guess what will happen to the main characters.

Did You Know?
A symbol is a person, a place, or a thing that stands for something else, typically something abstract. For example, in The Summer of the Swans, Sara’s sneakers, Charlie’s watch, and the swans all have symbolic meanings. As you read the final chapters of the novel, think about what the sneakers, the watch, and the swans represent to the characters.

See you in class, teacher Silvia


Anonymous said...

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